Monday, May 19, 2014

Another Child Lost, 1859

This photo gives a view of the old part of the Beechworth Cemetery in about 1875.  Courtesy of the State Library of Victoria Collection.  H2005.34/515; H2005.34/515A.
George and Susan lost their little fellow George at the age of 7 months and 1 week, on 2 October 1859.  The certificate states that the death occurred at Silver Creek, and he was buried on the same day at Beechworth.  There are no extant burial records for the Beechworth Cemetery in this period, so it is impossible to say whether he was buried with his older brother Edward George, or popped into the grave of an adult being buried that day. 

The doctor John C Dempster gave the cause of death as acute hydrocephalus, from which the children had suffered for one week.  The symptoms would be headaches, vomiting, sleepiness and seizures.  In infants the head could swell because of the buildup of fluid.  The cause may have been congenital, or acquired by disease or injury.  The available records don't allow us to know the cause.  Dr Dempster had last seen the child the day before its death.  Dempster was based in Beechworth, and it is possible that the child was brought from Chiltern to see him, which would explain why the death occurred at Silver Creek.  They would probably have had friends there.

The witnesses were W R or W K Lyon, and C Bennett, and the service Church of England.

Susan and George returned to Chiltern with their little girl, now aged just over two years.

Independence Day on the Goldfields, 1859


While it would not be true to say that the American Day of Independence was a huge celebration on the Ovens goldfield, it would be true to say that most mining settlements had one hotel willing to cash in on the celebration.  At Chiltern it was Butler's Eagle Hotel, and George Griffith was the band leader for the Grand Ball and Supper laid on. 

Monday, 4th July, 1859.


HAS much pleasure in announcing to the  inhabitants of New Ballarat [ie, Chiltern] and its vicinity, that he intends giving a GRAND BALL and SUPPER, at the above mentioned  place on the 4th of July, to commemorate the American Declaration of Independence. He hopes that the liberal patronage which he has hitherto enjoyed will be extended to him on this occasion, and nothing shall be wanting on his part to ensure those who attend of a good evening's amusement.

A Good Band engaged.


Open at half-past 7; Dancing to commence at 8 o'clock.

Ticket to admit a Lady and Gentleman, 10s.6d.

Advertising. (1859, July 4). Ovens and Murray Advertiser (Beechworth, Vic. : 1857 - 1918), p. 2. Retrieved October 8, 2013, from

(From our own Correspondent.)


Somewhat of the genuine old Indigo spirit was seen on the New Ballarat Lead, on Monday last. Uncle Sam's son's are not so numerous here as they are on some of the older gold-fields, which may account for the absence of any great public display on the fourth of July; but the few among us had the usual amount of jollification ; and Mr Butler, of the Eagle Hotel, had a grand ball and supper to commemorate the Declaration of American Independence.

This entertainment was well attended, and passed of with considerable eclat. A ball at New Ballarat cannot be compared with one of your Beechworth assemblies. We cannot muster the same amount of satin, and swallow-tails, and therefore may be said to be behind you; but, on the other hand, we are still happily ignorant of the class known as your Beechworth  aristocracy—the class who think the best way of shewing their elevation is to look down on all who may earn their bread by their labour, more especially if the unfortunate individual happens to be one of the softer sex. Here, with all the faults and blemishes of our society, there is a sort of glorious, independent, "Jack's as good as his master" sort of a style of living, which fails to recognise the man or woman who may have the command of money as anything more than what they prove themselves and nothing gives us more amusement than to hear of some exhibitions which your parvenus make of themselves. But I was talking of the ball at Mr. Butler's, which was a success in every sense of the word. The supper, which was under, the superintendence of Mr. Butler; the dancing conducted by Mr Stanley, who officiated as M.C.; and the music under the superintendence of Mr. Griffiths, were all equally deserving of praise, and reflected great credit on all concerned. Dancing was kept up till late in the morning, and the company dispersed highly gratified with themselves and with everybody else.

INDIGO. (1859, July 8). Ovens and Murray Advertiser (Beechworth, Vic. : 1857 - 1918), p. 3. Retrieved October 9, 2013, from

And back to Court, April 1859

The Magistrates in a detail from [Courtroom Scene] by Charles Lyall, circa 1854, courtesy of the State Library of Victoria Collection.  H87.63/2/7B

Wednesday, April 6th, 1859,
(Before J. P. Morphy, Esq, J. P. and
Dr. Beckett, J. P.)

Annie O'Keefe v George Griffiths.
Claim for £3 15 0 for work and labour done.

Annie O'Keefe, sworn, deposed. Am a single woman, and live at Beechworth. About four months ago I entered into the services of the defendant, at the rate of 25 s. per week. I left him about seven weeks since. I gave him notice of my intention to leave ; he consented to it. He paid me all, but the last three weeks, amounting to £3 15 0. I asked him for the money on Monday last ; he said he could not pay it till his place was furnished.

To the defendant. I did not get £3 the day I went to Beechworth.

Susan Griffiths, sworn, stated. Am a married woman, and live at Indigo. A fortnight before the complainant left I gave her £3, which left a balance of 10s. against her She was in my service a fortnight afterwards ; there is a balance of £2 coming to her.

Order for £2, with costs.  

INDIGO POLICE COURT. (1859, April 7). Ovens and Murray Advertiser (Beechworth, Vic. : 1857 - 1918), p. 3. Retrieved October 8, 2013, from

The servant got her money, though only what the Griffiths' said they owed her, but they also paid the costs. 

It is interesting to see that the Griffiths could now keep a servant.  Annie O'Keefe had joined them in the previous December, when Susan was seven months pregnant and with a toddler at foot.  It seems likely she was employed to help with the housekeeping, and possibly in the dance-hall.

New Babe at Indigo, 1859

"Fifty “Bab” Ballads", by W S Gilbert, 1877.  Courtesy of the British Library's Photostream.
 Within days of the end of the Sly Grog court hearings towards the end of February, Susan gave birth to a baby boy, whom they called George Griffith.  Mary Jane was a toddler of 19 months at this time.


Conness St, Chiltern, c 1908.  H90.140/948 Courtesy of the State Library of Victoria.


George Griffith v Wm. Chadwick.;— Complaint for using abusive language.

George Griffiths deposed: On Friday called defendant to my place and told him that if he allowed his wife to make use of such bad language I would summon him. He then used very abusive language.

A musician residing in Griffith's house corroborated foregoing evidence.             

Fined 40s. -and costs.

INDIGO POLICE COURT. (1859, January 19). Ovens and Murray Advertiser (Beechworth, Vic. : 1857 - 1918), p. 3. Retrieved October 8, 2013, from

George had a busy month with one thing and another -several appearances at the Indigo Police Court, for one thing.  Whether William Chadwick's wife had been using abusive language towards Griffith himself, or perhaps to his wife, is not clear, but it is good to see him upholding a high standard of behaviour in his establishment.  It is worth noting, however, that it was only 12 months since Griffith himself had been charged with using threatening language, and bound over to keep himself nice for the next twelve months.

One would like to know whom the musician was who was residing with the Griffiths.  Barlow?  Zeplin, perhaps?

Laying Informations!

"Chiltern, f. the Nord", by Eugene von Guerard, courtesy of the State Library of New South Wales Collection.


On Tuesday the two worthies, Carroll and Bassett, broke down fearfully. Although they had three informations then before the Court, they failed in sustaining even one of them, and were positively unable to raise the price of their nobblers from the revenue. This is a sad condition of things, and will not administer by any means to the lively hopes which the renowned Carroll and his comrade entertained on coming to these diggings in the respectable garb of informers and spies. Three failures in succession, upon one day are rather serious. To be disbelieved three times, even upon oath, is a matter somewhat damaging. If it be possible that an informer has a character to sustain, these constitute a series of mishaps which serve to remove any little traces of it that may perchance be found to remain.

When they went to Connor's at a quarter past ten at night, Carroll seems to have been thoroughly disguised. He wore moustachios, had on a grey shirt, and made himself appear as like a working man as hirsute appendages and toggery could do in that respect. His compatriot, Bassett, all the way from the shores of Italy, was equally well decked out, in a garb fashioned to disarm suspicion. He was dressed in a pair of white trowsers and a blue shirt. On the day they visited Connor's they seem to have done a stroke of business of no inconsiderable extent. They laid six informations that day. The one with his moustachios and the other in his pair of white ducks, took a quiet afternoon's ramble, looked in at ball-rooms, lolled upon sofas, admired the dances, very possibly passed a flattering opinion upon the young ladies who were careering in the waltzes, toppled off a couple of nobblers of brandy—dark brandy they seem to admire—took a moonlight walk to the Camp, and forthwith lodged their informations.

Pleasant life this ! Carroll likes it amazingly. He says it is much easier than that of the labouring business he was engaged in formerly. Bassett, in broken English, declares that it is a capitally "agree-a-bel '' mode of raising the wind, and that he means to write home a letter by the next mail to some of his relatives—the lazzaroni of Rome —to tell them of the good fortune which awaits them should they come out to Australia, and follow the occupation to which he has devoted his future fame.

To be sure the smash of Tuesday has served to darken the prospects of both these gentlemen, for not only did they fail in the case of Connors, but also in that of Prost, and also again in that of Griffiths. In the latter case they struggled hard for a conviction. They made a desperate effort to bag the £5 note ; but their failure was most signal. Carroll swore that the words, " Music Hall, George Griffiths, " were painted on the window, on the night they visited the establishment, whereas Bartlett, who painted the sign, distinctly deposed that the word 'music' only had been painted at the time, and that the other words were subsequently added. This was a floorer for Mr. Carroll, and he never recovered his legs since. He seems, however, to have had the use of his feet on the night he visited Griffiths ; for he admitted he entered the ball-room, tripped the light fantastic toe, and whirled round and round with one of the ladies, before he thought proper to toss off the nobbler that was to subject the landlord to the fine of £50.

It seems to us that these Informers have made a finish of it in this district, for, after three failures in succession, they cannot stand. The two gentlemen,—the strange co-partnership of the Irishman with the Italian had better dissolve, and the one having flourished his shillelagh to little purpose, and the other having used his stilletto to small advantage, they might as well place their respective' weapons upon the shelf, and betake them selves to some respectable line of livelihood in a distant part of the colony.

Since writing the above, we are happy to learn that Carroll and Bassett have taken their departure from amongst us for Beechworth. At two o'clock on Thursday the last of these memorable gentlemen was seen at the Camp. For some days previously they had been employed in sinking a well at the rear of that establishment—a sort of pleasant recreation which imparted an appetite—but the total break-down of their cases on Wednesday caused them speedily to decamp. Had the final departure of two such fashionable gentle men been generally known, doubtless some hundreds would have assembled to greet their departure with three enthusiastic cheers, but, for reasons capable of easy divination, they slipped away very quietly without doing any of us the honor of making known the time of their exit.

THE BREAK-DOWN OF THE INFORMERS. (1859, February 22). Ovens and Murray Advertiser (Beechworth, Vic. : 1857 - 1918), p. 4. Retrieved October 8, 2013, from

So in the laying of information with the police, the informants were not able to withstand a vigorous defence - though one cannot help thinking that in fact a fair bit of sly grog had changed hands in these cases- but even the magistrates didn't think the informants were respectable or believable, and so they were forced to de-camp to Beechworth, and business at Chiltern went back to normal.

Griffith's Music Hall 1859

"Dancing Saloon and Grog Shop, Main Road, Ballarat, May 30th/55", by S T Gill.  Courtesy of the State Library of New South Wales Collection.

A week after the Sly Grog cases heard in the Indigo Police Court described in the last blog post, the cases were resumed.  On this occasion, George Griffith made an appearance.  On this occasion the vague hints at some form of establishment are clearer - it is now described as a "music hall" which actually has a window, and at some stage a sign was painted thereon describing the business as "Music Hall, George Griffits" (sic).   Mrs Griffiths is alleged to have been serving nobblers behind a bar.

Indigo Police Court,

Tuesday, 15th February, 1859.

(Before J. S. Morphy, Esq., J. P.)

Sly Grog Cases. 

William O'Connor was brought up charged with permitting the sale of spirituous liquors without a license. 

Mr. Keefer appeared for defendant. P. Carroll, deposed, that on Tuesday evening, about a quarter past ten, went to the Shamrock Restaurant; Constable Bassett was with me; we sat down for about 15 minutes; we then got up and went into the bar, and I asked for brandy; asked a woman behind the bar; she left a decanter on the counter and we helped ourselves to two nobblers of dark brandy; I gave the woman half a crown, and she gave me 6d. out of it;  saw the prisoner in the dancing room;  when we went out he came out of the bar room; it is a calico place; I observed a sign over the door of the Shamrock, Restaurant, by Wm. O'Connor ; have seen the woman several times; she is prisoner's wife; the place is not a public house.       

Cross-examined by Mr. Keefer. Did not understand that was to get £5 for every case; Never heard Mr. Cook say so to Bassett. Was not to receive any thing more. Mr. Bookey said I would get something ; am more anxious to get a conviction than to see the case dismissed ; had moustachio's on when I went to O'Connor's; had on different clothes than now ; had a grey shirt;  wanted-to appear like a working man; did not want to give myself an air of respectability; do not disguise myself to puzzle the witnesses ; the house is on the right hand side going down the Main-road; have laid six informations the same day ; it was not the last place we went to on that occasion; we went to two places afterwards ; never  compare notes with Bassett; told him there were three cases coming on ; did not ask him anything at all about the cases ; saw other men in the ball-room and in the bar; was not trying to entrap any other persons ; was waiting till I was ready before laying the information ; when we went in we sat in the dancing room; the same woman served the bar all the time we were there ; was not watching all the time ; could not say how many people were in the house during the quarter of an hour ; Bassett did not dance ; have been once in this restaurant since : did not see any men in the bar ; anybody can see from the bar to the dancing room ; I threw the money-down on the counter; I pay for the nobblers out of my wages; we never told one and other what the time was.   

F. Bassett deposed: That on Tuesday 18th January, I went into a dancing place with Carroll; it is a calico place ;  it is at the right hand side going down; called the Shamrock Restaurant; know this by the; sign over the door; went into the place, at night about 20 minutes after 10 o'clock; were three about 10 minutes or ¼ of an hour; as we went away Carroll called for two nobblers of brandy; we had  one glass each; Carroll gave the woman half-a-crown ; she gave  him sixpence back ; do not know who the woman was; saw the prisoner in  the bar.   

Cross-examined by Mr. Keefer. Mr.

Cook told us something about getting £5 for every conviction; my wages were the only inducement I had to join the service ; was not aware that I could get better wages elsewhere; we did not receive instructions from our superior officers to disguise ourselves; when I went to this house I was dressed in a pair of white trowsers and a blue shirt; we went in their on purpose to procure a conviction for illegally selling liquor ; do not think we went to any other places on this same night ; did not speak to Carroll about the case before the information was laid; took no notice who was in the bar when we went in; the woman who gave us the nobblers was in the dancing room when we went in first; did not dance ; cannot recollect if Carroll danced ; did not see a man behind the bar when we had our brandy ; would  rather see this case end in a conviction  than an acquittal; went to this house to procure a conviction.

D. McKay, constable, deposed that he knew the prisoner ; he lives in a place called the Harp of Erin, I believe, it is on the right hand side of the Main-road as you go down; arrested the prisoner on Sunday morning at his own place; it is called the Harp of Erin; cannot say if that name is on a sign.

Mr. Mulligan proved that the Indigo was in the licensing district of the Murray.

Mr. Keefer submitted that though two witnesses had sworn to a sale of liquor at a certain house, they had produced no evidence that the prisoner was in any way connected with the house.

Case dismissed.

Eugene Prost was brought up, charged with selling spirituous liquors without a license.

Mr. Young appeared for the prisoner.

Peter Carroll deposed that on Thursday 13th January, about 7 o'clock in the morning went into the prisoner's place on the Melbourne road ; asked for brandy ; a man in the bar left a bottle on the counter ; we helped ourselves ; laid half-a-crown on the table ; defendant took it up ; he is the man who gave us the liquor ; the place is called the Washington hotel.

Cross-examined by Mr Young: I laid the information on the 7th of February ; delayed the information because we were not ready. I passed over this man because of orders from my superior officers ; was at Palmer's on the 20th ; went to no place on the 14th, 15th and 16th ; was at Heilbronn's on the 17th, there was defendant and a woman in the house ; did not call at any house near defendant's-; this was the first place I called on my way from Beechworth ; expect to get my wages from the Government ; expect to get the prices of the nobblers ; have not kept an account of the number of nobblers ; have had no conversation with Bassett regarding this case; did not see what defendant did with the money.

P. Bassett deposed that on Thursday morning he called at defendant's place with Carroll. Carroll called for two glasses of brandy ; defendant gave them to us ; Carroll gave him half-a-crown, and he gave him 6d. change ; we had pale brandy ; there was a sign under the verandah with the words "Washing hotel" on it.  

Cross-examined by Mr. Young : We came to the house about 7 o'clock ; we star ted at sunrise, and might have walked about 2 miles; the defendant and a woman was present ; there was a counter in the place; there was no calico on the house ; they were not papering the bar ; have had no conversation with Carroll about this case ; do not know what was the reason for the information in this case being delayed so long ; was on the Indigo on the 15th. Mr. Mulligan proved that the house of the defendant was in the licensing district of the Murray.

To Mr. Young, am not aware of a license having been granted or applied for this house within the past month.

Mr. Young for the defence, complained of the delay which had occurred in laying the in formation, and contended that the conduct of the police was most disgraceful, there had been no evidence but that of common in formers, and he should bring evidence to show that they had sworn falsely.

Ambrose Grandjuks deposed : That he remembers the 13th of Jany., Mr. Tidyman; brought some merchandise to the house on that day ; Mr. Prost went out to look for his horse on that morning; he went about 5 o'clock and was back again about 8 or 9 o'clock. 

To Mr Weldon. Mr. Prost was home to his breakfast; we generally breakfast about; half past six or seven o'clock until 8 o'clock on the morning in question; he went to Indigo about 7 o'clock.

Louis Belmont, painter, deposed : that he lived at Mr. Prost's; remember the day when the goods came from Mr. Tidyman; Mr. Prost went to look for his horse on that morning ; he was out long that day ; was papering the bar the same day ; did not see either Carroll or Bassett in the house.

To the police. No one could be in the bar without me seeing them.

Case dismissed.

George Griffiths was brought up, charged with permitting the sale of liquor in his unlicensed house.

Mr. Keefer appeared for the defendant.

P. Carroll deposed : That on Tuesday 18th January, about a quarter to ten in the evening, he went into a dancing house on the right hand side as you go down the Main-road ; went to the bar and called for brandy ; a woman was behind the bar ; we helped our selves ; I put a two-shilling piece on the counter ; she picked it up.

To Mr. Weldon : Know the woman, she is Griffith's wife ; know the place, it has his name on the sign ; saw defendant on the evening in question, he was trimming lamps ; his place is not a public-house.

Cross-examined by Mr. Keefer; The words "Music Hall, George Griffits (sic)," was on the window that night when I  came out; might have staid about ten minutes in Griffiths ; there were not many there when I went in ; there was no music playing.; Mr. Griffiths is a violinist ; have gone and had a dance in the place ; sat  down on the seat; did not go in for the purpose of trapping the people;  we had our nobblers ; the bar is immediately as you go in at the door ; did not apply to Mr. Griffiths for the two nobblers ; the woman was behind the bar ; do not know how many nobblers I had ; cannot say how many nobblers I had on that day ; cannot say how many I can stand : was not "oblivious" ; I had no conversation with the woman.

F. Bassett deposed that on the evening of Tuesday, the 18th January, he went with Carroll to defendant's place ; went into the dancing room ; Carroll said ' Come away '; their was a woman in the bar ; Carroll called for brandy, she put the decanter on the counter ; we helped ourselves ; Carroll laid 2s. on the counter, the woman took it up, and we then went away.

Cross-examined by Mr. Keefer. Saw Mr. Griffiths in the place ; our object in going in, was to lay an information ; there was no dancing or music while we were in the house ; saw Griffiths near the bar doing something; think he went into another room when we had  our nobblers ; will not swear he was in the room at the time we got the drinks. Carroll only asked for brandy ; believe he asked the woman what was to pay, but am not sure ; it was about 10 minutes or a quarter to ten when we went, into Griffith's house, there were two men at the bar when we were drinking. ....

Constable Scanlan deposed that he knew the defendant Griffiths ; he lives at the Music Hall ; know the place, the words "Music Hall" are written in the window ; there is nothing else, on the window ; served him with a summons at, that place.

Mr. Mulligan deposed, that the house in question was in the licensing district of the Murray. Mr. Keefer contended that there was no evidence. to connect the defendant with the place in question. An actor might be convicted in the same way if a glass of  liquor were sold in the theatre. 

The Bench decided that they would hear  the defence. 

Mr. Keefer addressed himself to the evidence, and commented on the small amount of credibility which ought to be attributed to the evidence of the informers. He did not believe but that Carroll and Bassett talked  over their evidence together before they came into court. There were several discrepancies in their evidence to which he (Mr. Keefer) would call attention, and one in particular which referred to the words said to be on the windows. He should be able to prove that no such words were on the window on the day which the informers referred.

S. G. Bartlett, painter, deposed : That he knew a house in the Main-street with the words "Music Hall, George Grifilths " ; painted the word " Music " on the 17 th Jan.; painted the rest of it on the 19th ; can swear to the dates.

To the Bench : There was no sign on the place before I began to paint the present one.

Case dismissed, there being no evidence to connect the defendant with the house.

Indigo Police Court. (1859, February 17). Ovens and Murray Advertiser (Beechworth, Vic. : 1857 - 1918), p. 3. Retrieved October 8, 2013, from

One can only think that the Griffiths' got off on a technicality.  Or did they?  Was it a set up?  Further allegations were to come.