Monday, July 11, 2011

Coal Creek Gardens

Left: the gentleman standing proprietorially at the forefront of the photo is probably Mr E Nelson.

A few stories and advertisements about the Coal Creek Gardens in the Grey River Argus describes in interesting detail the sophisticated business plan of Mr E Nelson, the proprietor.  Leading up to Christmas in 1866, an advertorial extolled the virtues of the place:

In the way of pic-nics, Mr Nelson of the Coal Creek gardens has made great preparations, and from a recent visit we have paid to his gardens we can afford to award him great praise for his exertions to provide for the recreation of the citizens of Greymouth. He has cleared a huge enclosure as a playground, and opened up several pretty walks and arbors, where conveniences for pic-nic parties have been placed in the shape of forms and tables. Swings and other means of amusement are also provided, and no doubt Mr. Nelson will find his reward in extensive public patronage. Two "Art Unions" as they are termed, are also announced, which will afford an opportunity for those to choose to run the chance of drawing a rich prize.
Grey River Argus, Volume III, Issue 148, 22 December 1866, Page 2
On Christmas Day he catered for a community which probably  had little in the way of extended family with whom to celebrate the Christmas festival, and all were invited to participate in Christmas Sports:

CHRISTMAS SPORTS. COAL CREEK GARDENS. GRAND MUSICAL FETE. Al Fresco Ball on the Green Sward. Arbours, Grottoes, and Summerseats, for Pic Nics. Sylvan Shades for Romantic Lovers ! Swings for Children. THE ALLIANCE BAND. PROFESSOR SAMPSON, M C.  The Proprietor of the Coal Creek Gardens has provided the above for his Greymouth Friends during the Christmas Week, commencing THIS DAY, AT 2 O'CLOCK. As there is no charge for admission, visitors are requested not to destroy any of the plants or shrubs. Boats every five minutes. E. NELSON, Proprietor
Grey River Argus, Volume III, Issue 149, 25 December 1866, Page 3
 Before Christmas the following year, it would appear that a flood had damaged the gardens:

COAL CREEK GARDENS. The Proprietor begs to announce that having made good all the damage occasioned  by the late flood, these Beautiful Gardens are again open to the public for Pic-Nics, Tea Parties, &c, &c. Boquets and Vegetables| always ready. E NELSON.
Grey River Argus , Issue 304, 24 December 1867, Page 1
Again, floods occurred in January 1868:
Mr Nelson's gardens were flooded several feet deep, and all the families on the agricultural sections on the flat had to betake themselves to boats. Great loss has .been occasioned through the destruction of the growing crops of vegetables, and the out of potatoes.
Wellington Independent, 16 Kohitātea [January] 1868, Page 5

The following ad reveals that in addition to teas and picnics, the Gardens catered for more serious drinkers:
WANTED, a Female General Servant, and to assist in the bar occasionally. Apply Coal Creek Gardens.
Grey River Argus, Volume VI, Issue 391, 16 July 1868, Page 3
Levinski was able to turn the floods in Greymouth to advantage, when he advertised:
Flood. Flood.  Flood. PORTRAITS of the late Floods of the principal parts of the town can be had, highly finished, AT LEVINSKI'S PORTRAIT ROOMS, Boundary street ; or, J. BASCH, TOBACCONIST.
Grey River Argus, Volume VI, Issue 431, 17 October 1868, Page 3

THE CALEDONIAN SPORTS, Which were to have been held on Christmas Day  at COAL CREEK GARDENS, And which were put off, will now come off  On NEW YEAR' S DAY, And will be held with great eclat, as the Beautiful grounds will now be  in fine condition for them.  Grey River Argus, Volume VII, Issue 463, 1 January 1869, Page 3

By January 1870 it appears that Mr Nelson had departed and Charley Boase was the new proprietor:
RECREATION FOR ALL. Now that the Holidays are over, and that every one may have a chance of enjoyment, CHARLEY BOASE, Of the COAL CREEK GARDENS, Intends to give A GRAND PICNIC, On TUESDAY NEXT, the 11th INSTANT, To commence at 10 a.m. sharp. The Greymouth Brass Band will be in attendance for dancing parties, which will be conducted by an efficient M.C. Tickets, 3s each, the holders of which will be entitled to a free passage to and from the Gardens. Children under 10, accompanied by their parents, Free. Boats leave and arrive opposite Middleton's Wharf Hotel. Tickets to be had at the Steps. Grey River Argus, Volume IX, Issue 620, 8 January 1870, Page 3
I'm interested to see the references to music being performed at the Gardens.  Perhaps George Griffith, a musician, played there one or twice.  I'm not clear as to how far out of the main town centre the gardens were, but clearly far enough to warrant a boat trip.

Unknown gentleman of Greymouth, circa 1868

Here is the first of my unknown New Zealand Portraits.  I don't know anything about him, so have to rely on what there is to see in the picture.  Firstly, he would appear to be in the vicinity of forty years of age, possibly slightly younger. His middle has expanded with the approach of middle age.  He is young enough to be vain about his hair.  It is a good head of hair, well-kempt, with the stylish roll-curls over the ears that were the fashion in the 1860s.

His clothes look very warm (winter?), and clean, but lived in.  Not lately pressed. He is wearing the suit of a working man of the 1860s with the single button at the top, modelled on the working man's smock.

His expression is care-worn.  He has had to work hard to make his way in the world.  He seems to have brown eyes, or dark-coloured irises.

That exhausts what I can deduce from the image.

The photographer was A S Levinski, identified as Abraham Solomon Levinski on the Early Canterbury Photographers blog.

Newspapers on the Papers Past website yield a few clues about Levinski's career.  He appears to have been working as a hairdresser with a sideline in real estate rentals in George Street, Dunedin (opposite the Royal George Hotel) in 1864. 

By 1866, however, he had relocated to Greymouth and was again advertising his services as a hairdresser:

IF you wish-to have your hair cut properly for One Shilling go to LEVINSKI'S HAIRCUTTING SALOON, Boundary street, Two doors from  "Grey River Argus" Office, (Late of George street, Dunedin), Where you can rely on good workmanship.
Grey River Argus , 26 July 1866, Page 3.
Levinski may already have been operating a photographer's business as a sideline while he learnt how to do it adequately.  By August 1867, however, he had made the plunge, and announced his London Portrait Rooms in Boundary Road, in what appears to be his former hairdressing establishment:

PHOTOGRAPHY. — The LONDON PORTRAIT ROOMS, conducted by A. S. LEVINSKI,  Photographer, Boundary street (two doors from "Grey River Argus" office). Portraits can be taken in any weather for Carte de Visites, Brooches, Lockets, Pins, Rings, Views, etc., on the shortest notice. N.B. — All orders punctually attended to.
Grey River Argus, Volume IV, Issue 255, 31 August 1867, Page 3.
In February 1868 another Greymouth photographer, John Low, announces that he is taking over the London Portrait Rooms; but at the end of June 1868 Levinski announces that he is resuming business at the Boundary Road premises.  The Early Canterbury Photographers website says that the London Portrait Rooms were partly destroyed by fire in early 1870.

The portrait above, then, would appear to be no earlier than 1867, and no later than 1870.  If anything, I would lean towards the earlier date, as mountboards and men's jackets were changing by 1870.

If anyone can identify this man, I would be very interested to learn further details about him.

The reference in the last advertisement to "Views" is interesting - it could be that it was Levinski who took the photo of the Coal Creek Gardens, though there was another photographer operating in Greymouth at the same time, John Low, and he might equally well have been the photographer.