Saturday, July 14, 2012

Review of directories and baptism information

1857 Ovens,   Griffith, George, Professor of Music, Woolshed, Beechworth
1865 -
1865  February 2, baptism of George Henry Griffith, Marian St, musician
1866 Sands & Mac, Griffith, Geo, 16 Little Latrobe-street, east
1868 -
1868  August 6  Baptism of Alfred John and Charlotte Broadley Griffith, Budd St, musician
1869 Sands & Mac, Griffith, Geo, Prof of Music, 10 Budd St, East Collingwood
1870 Sands & Mac, Griffith, Geo, Prof of Music, 10 Budd St, East Collingwood
1871 Sands & Mac, Griffith, Geo, Prof of Music, 10 Budd St, East Collingwood
1871 Sands & Mac, Trade & Prof, Prof's & Teachers, Griffith, George (music), Budd St, E C.
1871/72  Bailleire's, Victoria, Griffith, G, Prof of Music, East Collingwood
1872 -
1873 -
1873  August 14, baptism of Emily Frances Griffith, Fitzroy St, Fitzroy, musician
1874  Sands & Mac, Griffiths, George, 75 Fitzroy St, Fitzroy
1875  Sands & Mac, Griffiths, George, 75 Fitzroy St, Fitzroy
1876  Sands & Mac, Griffiths, George, 75 Fitzroy St, Fitzroy
1876  Sands & Mac, Griffiths, George, 1 Lit Marion St, Fitzroy
1876  June 8  baptism of George Henry Griffith, Moor St, musician
1877  Sands & Mac, Griffiths, George, 123 Moor St, Fitzroy
1878  Sands & Mac, Griffiths, George, Lit George St, Fitzroy
1879  Sands & Mac, Griffiths, George, 49 Lit George St, Fitzroy